Hey, I’m Ian 👋

I have been a nurse for 10 years.

In those ten years I have learned so much about communication, empathy, multi-tasking, triaging, and our healthcare system. I've learned how to work within and between multi-disciplinary teams and how nothing will change on a unit without evidence that things can be done in a better way.

I began to wonder how I would improve the healthcare experience, not only for myself and my fellow nurses, but for everyone. I began teaching myself to code: JavaScript, React, Node.. really anything that might help turn ideas into solutions.

I started to read current nursing/healthcare research in order to better understand the problems in healthcare I was trying to tackle with my growing skillset. The more I read, the more I became enticed by the idea of conducting this research myself for my personal projects. I think back to the handful of jobs I've had in which hospital systems had been resistant to adopt new technologies out of fear, concern, or lack of information. Being a person who can help increase the dissemination of knowledge and acceptance of technology within healthcare is one of my primary reasons for pursuing a PhD in Nursing.